About the conference

Random tensors are expected to play a growing role in many areas of mathematics, physics, and computer science, but communities working with tensors have developed different approaches to their study, with different tools and results. This is the second event in a series of encounters (first one here) aimed at exploring the connections between these approaches at the technical and conceptual level, with an emphasis on mathematics and statistics, quantum information, condensed matter physics, and quantum gravity and discrete geometry.



Institut Henri Poincaré (IHP), Paris, France

September 30 - October 18, 2024 


School : September 30 - October 4

>> The school will revolve around five mini lectures:  

Gerard Ben-Arous // Courant Institute, NYU // USA

> Random Tensors: from Spin Glasses to Data Science

Matthias Christandl // U of Copenhagen // Denmark:

> The Tensor as an Informational Resource

Sabine Harribey // Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies // Ireland:

> An introduction to tensor models: from random geometry to melonic CFTs

Ion Nechita // CNRS - U of Toulouse // France

> Tensor freeness and applications to quantum information theory

David Perez-Garcia // U Complutense de Madrid // Spain:

> Tensor Networks: a mathematical tool to understand exotic quantum phases of matter


Middle week: October 7 - 11

>> There will be three doctoral courses during this week:  

Guillaume Aubrun // U de Lyon 1 // France

> Entanglement between cones

Frédéric Holweck // U de Technologie de Belfort-Montbéliard // France:

> The geometry of entanglement: from projective duality to quantum computers

Mohamed El Amine Seddik // Technology Innovation Institute // Abu Dhabi:

> Spike Recovery from Large Asymmetric Random Tensors

>> On Friday October 11, there will be a thematic day organized jointly with the GDR Matrices et Graphes Aléatoires (MEGA).

Afonso Bandeira  //  ETH Zurich - Towards a sharp non-asymptotic theory for structured random matrices (and tensors)

Henrique Goulart  //  INP Toulouse - Spiked tensor models through the prism of random matrix theory

Yizhe Zhu  //  U. Southern California - A non-backtracking method for tensor completion


Conference : October 14 - 18

Mari-Carmen Bañuls Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics Germany
Sylvain Carrozza
U de Bourgogne France
Dario Benedetti
Ecole Polytechnique France
Leticia Cugliandolo Sorbonne U France
Razvan Gurau U Heidelberg Germany
Aram Harrow MIT USA
Tomohiro Hayase Cluster Metaverse Lab Japan
Maria Jivulescu
Politehnica U of Timisoara Romania
Pax Kivimae
Courant Institute, NYU USA
Joseph Landsberg
Texas A&M U USA
Benjamin McKenna
Harvard U USA
James A. Mingo
Queen's U Canada
Alexander Müller-Hermes
U of Oslo Norway
Yoshiko Ogata 
RIMS - Kyoto U Japan
Carlos Palazuelos
Complutense U of Madrid Spain
Valentina Ros CNRS - U Paris-Saclay France
Norbert Schuch
U of Vienna Austria
Stanislaw Szarek Case Western Reserve U & Sorbonne U
USA & France
Sarah Timhadjelt U Bonn Germany
Peter Vrana Budapest U of Technology and Economics Hungary
Michael Walter
Ruhr U Bochum Germany
Freek Witteveen U of Copenhagen Denmark




Benoit Collins (Kyoto U), Stéphane Dartois (U Paris-Saclay, CEA List), Cécilia Lancien (CNRS, U Grenoble Alpes), Luca Lionni (CNRS, ENS de Lyon)

This event is organized in partnership with the Clay Mathematics Institute and Qube Research Technologies.

Contact the organizers



It is common for scammers to target the program participants, attempting for instance to solicit hotel payments. No payment will be requested from the participants by the organizers ot the IHP. Please disregard any communication coming from other sources than the organizers ot the IHP, and don't hesitate to write to this address if you have any doubt. 



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IHP Endowment Fund


This program takes place in part thanks to the help of the Institut Henri Poincaré, its staff, and its Endowment Fund. For this reason, we would like to inform participants of the opportunity to donate to the IHP Endowment Fund, should they wish to do so.

French participants can donate online here.

For participants from other countries, informations on how to donate will be shared during the program and, you may also visit the English version of their website beforehand.

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